Can abandonment be used as a factor in obtaining a restraining order or order of protection?

Can abandonment be used as a factor in obtaining a restraining order or order of protection?

Safety Concerns:

A restraining order or order of protection is typically granted to protect an individual from harm, harassment, or threats. If abandonment is accompanied by behaviors that pose a risk to the safety or well-being of the abandoned spouse or divorce in new york abandonment children, it may be a factor in seeking protection.

Grounds for Protection:

To obtain a restraining order or order of protection, you generally need to demonstrate a legitimate fear of harm. Abandonment alone may not be sufficient grounds, but if the abandoning spouse engages in threatening or harmful behavior, it could support a request for protection.

Abandonment and Emotional Abuse:

Emotional or psychological abuse, which can be part of abandonment in some cases, may be considered by the court when assessing the need for protection. Emotional divorce lawyers in manhattan new york abuse can include behaviors that cause fear, intimidation, or distress.

Legal Standards:

The legal standards for obtaining a restraining order or order of protection vary by jurisdiction. It’s crucial to consult with a family law attorney who is familiar with the laws in your specific jurisdiction to understand the criteria and process.


If you are seeking a restraining order based on abandonment or related behaviors, it’s important to document incidents and gather evidence that supports your case. This may include written communication, records of threats, or any other evidence New York State Divorce Court of harmful behavior.

Consulting an Attorney:

Seeking legal advice is critical when dealing with issues of safety and protection. An experienced family law attorney can assess your situation, help you understand your legal options, and guide you through the process of seeking a restraining order Dominican Divorce New York if it is appropriate for your circumstances.

Remember, the availability of legal remedies like restraining orders is designed to protect individuals and families from harm, and the court will consider the specific facts and circumstances of each case.