Guide To Selecting The Best English Breakfast Tea

Guide To Selecting The Best English Breakfast Tea

It should be noted most people assume only green tea with lemon is medically useful while other types of tea are taken for non-medical consumption. Nevertheless, the same cannot go further than the truth for many kinds of teas also bear numerous health advantages. In addition, some of the popular names among them include the English Breakfast Tea.

This is called English Breakfast tea and it is popular around the world. In actual fact, water itself comes second and tea is the most consumed beverage in the world!
It is also known as English Breakfast, and it is a mixture of black teas. They are generally more potent than other variants of tea including herb-based ones and certain varieties of green tea. Tea is extracted from the Camellia sinensis.

Some people drink black tea instead of coffee as it contains fewer caffeines which are considered unhealthy. Moreover, such people prefer to have a good diet, therefore they want to take something tasty but without caffeine. English breakfast tea is sold in almost every grocery store or café all over the world.

These are antioxidants that stop damage being done to your cells that cause diseases by English breakfast tea.

Just like any hearty breakfast spread with a little of this and that, the English Breakfast tea is made of the finest African and Asian black teas.

Know the Little History of Tea

Indeed, there are some historical records dating back to the early 1800s that indicate that the title of the best breakfast tea belonged to the Chinese black tea known as Keemun which was popular among the tea-mad English at the time. However, in the event that trade relations with China were snapped in mid-1800s, there were no alternatives available apart from Indian and Ceylon teas.

The English breakfast blend was somehow born in about 1840; surprising since hardly any English person can claim such glory. Some sources report that the combination originated in New York when an immigrant English apothecary created it in his native small village. Some believe that it is a result of combining two teas brought in by a Scottish tea trader as a Breakfast Tea. It seems like Queen Victoria came across it and being a lover of everything Scottish fell in love with the tea on the spot. Now having gained a royal seal of approval, it was branded English Breakfast tea and that’s basically where we are today.

Health Benefits of Drinking English Breakfast Tea

There are numerous health benefits of English breakfast tea, including:

Rich in Antioxidants and Minerals

By removing free radicals, the antioxidants ensure that degenerative and chronic diseases including cancer do not occur. English breakfast comprises among other minerals and antioxidants such as folate, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and L-theanines among others.

Improves Focus

L-Theanine amino acids and caffeine in an English Breakfast tea, are known for helping one ease one’s body while making their minds sharper, providing better concentration.

Reduces Risk of Heart Disease

One study suggests that flavonoids, theaflavin, as well as other anti-oxidants found in English breakfast tea, can be used for lowering blood pressure and decreasing cholesterol which reduces the chances of developing a heart attack.

Helps Diabetics

Thearubigins and theaflavin present in English breakfast tea lower blood glucose while raising blood insulin.

Improves Gut Health

The gut bacterial function is crucial for health and can be improved by polyphenols in English breakfast, as well as digestion of physical and mental abilities.

Reduces Risk of Cancer

In addition, polyphenols support cellular growth and production, thereby preventing various cancers and degenerative illnesses.


Improve health and your immunity by drinking best quality green tea with lemon along with English brekafast tea. Buy high-quality tea online in the UAE region and stock up well cost-effectively and efficiently.

Author’s Bio:

James Clint

James is an experienced and highly professional content writer. He is into this profession for the past five years. James has carved his niche in writing specifically for different eCommerce products and read his blog to know about the same.