What is a listing image?
The image or photograph that is listed for sale is called a listing image.
What is Amazon listing image design?
Amazon listing image design makes professional images which are newly designed and contain a quality of research that help you in increasing your sales up to 95%. They produce all kinds of product listing images that include cover main image and infographic image.
What are the rules and structure for Amazon listing images design?
Most of the people here are quite lazy to go through whole long paragraphs about the product they need or want to buy. Whether it’s about Amazon or any other website like it, people grasp on the image at a first glance and look at the details rather going through the information about the product. They won’t understand anything until and unless you provide then with a good quality photo, especially the cover main image. Those products are too much difficult to sell that are purchased online because you have nothing to convince them to buy your product except through properly justified image. Once they are convinced with your cover image, then it will be a little easy for you to sale but that needs more successful photos of the product to sale.
It’s important for the photos uploaded to be clear and of high quality in order to attract potential customers towards your product so they are confident enough to buy it without giving it a second thought. You product images are not just important in increasing your sales, they are also essential in improving your click-through rate, minimizing returns and suppressing negative comments.
Amazon image listing design started making images to be able to view from the search result page in early 2022. The customers can now go through your main page of product first before clicking into your listing. Amazon also started beta testing shareable product images on desktop browsers, helping you to get high-quality images that will attract more customers.
Technical Amazon Images requirements:
To meet the standards of Amazon’s technical requirements you must also follow the Amazon’s guidelines besides making it a good shopping experience for customers. To increase your product sales you must have a good visibility of your products which requires having high quality and well-optimized images. According to Amazon product image guidelines, every detail page on Amazon marketplace asks you for at least one product image. For Amazon listing, you can upload up to nine proper images but save a spot for high resolution product video so that the customers can have a proper look and understanding of your product. To create a hassle-free shopping experience for your customers, all the photos that appear for search must follow the specific Amazon image requirements.
These include:
Images must showcase accurately the listed item for sale and match the product title.
The image should be 85% covered with the product listed.
Images must be highly focused and professionally lit plus give a photographic look with realistic color, no pixilation or jagged edges should be apparent.
Images like nudity or be considered as sexually suggestive are strictly prohibited. Underwear or swim wear for kids and babies must not be photographed with human models.
Images can’t show Amazon logos or trademarks or something that can be confused as one; this includes words and logos with the terms “Amazon,” “Prime,” “Alexa,” or the Amazon smile design.
Images must be free from any badges used on Amazon or anything that can be confused as one; this includes the terms “Amazon’s Choice,” “Premium Choice, “Amazon Alexa,” Works with Amazon Alexa,” “Best Seller,” or “Top Seller.”
The rules that should be followed:
To display clearly your images, they are recommended to be between 500-1000 pixels with the optimal size being 1600 pixels or larger on the longest side but not to exceed 10,000 pixels.
Working with larger pixels helps your image to look professional and sharp for Amazon listing image design. Zoom tool is provided to increase conversions, so enabling this feature is highly recommended. If the pixels for your image are too high than the recommended size then Amazon will automatically reduce it and that will result in blurry or grainy images.
Images can be in the following formats:
Image file name:
Name your images file with a product identifier followed by the file extension:
Example for an ASIN B000999999.jpg
Don’t use spaces, dashes, or other special characters in your file name, otherwise your image will not be displayed.
Language and text:
Similarly to your listing copy, avoid using any temporal or promotional language in your image-words and phrases like “limited time only!” or “best seller” because they are not permitted, as are URLs. Your listing should also not have offensive comments.
Amazon main image requirements:
As it has the purpose of catching eye, make it a prominent one. You must provide with a clear and eye catching image of your product. The requirements are as follows:
Blank White Space:
Use pure white space (not light grey) as a background. If you don’t do that, Amazon will suppress your listing.
Keep in mind that your image is listed among other thousands of images so it needs to be accurate and clear with no disturbing elements is its surroundings. The thing shown in the image must be the one to deliver. It must be high-quality image and shows the exact color of the listed product. If the customer will receive something else than they expected, then you will be bombarded with negative comments and returns. Convey accurate and true quality of work rather than a dramatized image.
Framing requirements:
For selling books, music and videos the image must be covered with Art. Products of any category should fill 85% or more of the frame. No cropping should be done. Make sure all products are fixed in frames.
Avoid any additional texts/graphics:
To increase and immediate selling of products, many sellers do this mistake of adding extra texts and graphics. This is absolutely not allowed. You can do such things with your secondary images but avoid them in your main image.
Maximize your secondary images:
The secondary images are supportive images but they can’t be viewed until and unless the buyer clicks on your main image. So that should give an impact.
Keep it to the point:
It is good to keep the secondary images to the point although they don’t need strict rules like the main image. Still they need to be focused on benefits and uses.
Use every slot of secondary image:
It’s recommended not to leave any image slot empty and they must be uploaded with various images of the product ensuring complete details. More shots will contribute in making the customer to buy the product.
Give a chance to your listing to tell your product’s story:
As far as there are restrictions with your main image, you can tell the whole story by clicking shots from different angles and with details.
The closure:
In order to be a best seller on Amazon, you must be highly and fully focused on Amazon listing images design. The better your images are, the efficiently you will be able to sale your products. Stand out product images are highly beneficial to increase your sales. You can hire a professional photographer to do the job for you as you won’t want your customers to escape. Get the job done professionally and be successful among the best sellers on Amazon.
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