Nursing Literature Review Writing

In the realm of healthcare, the importance of evidence-based practice cannot be overstated. Nursing literature review writing plays a pivotal role in advancing clinical nursing practice, nursing research, and the education of nursing students. This article will delve into the core aspects of evidence-based practice, research studies, curriculum development, and how it benefits both undergraduate nursing students and critical care nurses. We will explore the transition from mechanistic to holistic approaches and the essential role of nursing research journals in promoting sound science. Join us in this journey as we unravel the intricacies of nursing literature review writing.

Understanding Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) forms the cornerstone of modern healthcare. It involves integrating clinical expertise, patient preferences PCN 150 Topic 3 Topic Selection and the best available evidence to make informed decisions about patient care. In nursing, EBP is a guiding principle that ensures care is based on the most recent research findings and clinical knowledge.

The Role of Nursing Research

Nursing research plays a pivotal role in EBP by generating the evidence needed for informed decision-making. Research studies are conducted to explore various aspects of clinical nursing practice, patient outcomes, and innovative interventions.

Enhancing Nursing Education

Curriculum Development

One of the key areas where nursing literature review writing is essential is curriculum development. It assists in creating evidence-based curriculum that equips nursing students with the knowledge and skills needed to provide high-quality care.

Undergraduate Nursing Students

Undergraduate nursing students benefit significantly from EBP education. It empowers them to critically evaluate research, incorporate best practices into their care, and continuously improve their skills.

Action Research-Based Model

Academic years are enriched through the application of an action research-based model. This approach encourages students to actively engage in the research process and apply their findings to real-world clinical scenarios.

Learning Objectives for Students

Setting clear learning objectives is crucial in EBP education. These objectives guide students in their quest for standard care procedures and the application of evidence-based practices in clinical settings.

Advancing Clinical Practice

Standard Care Procedure

Evidence-based practice aims to improve patient care by standardizing procedures NR 324 Nutrition Vitamins water and minerals and interventions. This approach ensures that every patient receives the best care possible.

Nasogastric Tubes and Aspirate pH Test

An essential aspect of clinical nursing practice is the correct placement of nasogastric tubes. Implementing evidence-based procedures, like the aspirate pH test, helps nurses verify the tube’s proper positioning.

Bedside Procedures

Revised standard care procedures, including bedside practices, enhance patient safety and minimize complications.

Checklist for Auditing

Regular audits, using a checklist, ensure that healthcare providers adhere to the revised standard care procedures. This process maintains a high standard of care and identifies areas that need improvement.

Education for Nurses

Quality Improvement Projects

Nursing literature review writing also aids in quality improvement projects. These projects translate evidence into practice, leading to better patient outcomes.

Translating Evidence into Practice

Nurses play a crucial role in translating research-generated evidence into clinical practice. This bridge between research and patient care is vital for improving healthcare quality.

Sound Science and Its Merits

Sound science is the bedrock of EBP. Rita Pickler, a prominent figure in nursing science, emphasizes the importance of rigorous research to drive improvements in clinical practice and patient outcomes.

Acknowledging Pioneers in Nursing Science

Professor Ying-Ju Chang

Professor Ying-Ju Chang, from the National Cheng Kung University, exemplifies the commitment to nursing research. Her work has laid the foundation for evidence-based practice and quality improvement projects.

Professor Rita Pickler

Professor Rita Pickler’s contributions to nursing science have been instrumental in advancing EBP. Her advocacy for evidence-based quality improvement projects has had a significant impact on clinical practice.

The Way Forward

Nursing literature review writing is not just about academic exercises. It’s a transformative process that empowers nurses to provide the best care possible. By implementing EBP, nursing students and critical care nurses can verify nasogastric tube placement, ensure HCS 341 Week 3 Impact of Government Regulations on HR Management the revised standard care procedures are followed, and actively participate in quality improvement projects. The contributions of leaders like Professor Ying-Ju Chang and Professor Rita Pickler are paving the way for the future of nursing science.


In conclusion, evidence-based practice is a fundamental concept in nursing literature review writing. It bridges the gap between research and clinical practice, improving patient care and outcomes. As we move towards a healthcare system grounded in sound science, it’s imperative that nursing students and critical care nurses embrace EBP for the betterment of all.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is evidence-based practice in nursing?

Evidence-based practice in nursing involves using the latest research findings and clinical expertise to make informed decisions about patient care.

  1. How does nursing literature review benefit undergraduate students?

Nursing literature review equips undergraduate nursing students with the knowledge and skills needed for evidence-based practice, improving patient care.

  1. What is the role of sound science in nursing?

Sound science, as advocated by leaders like Professor Rita Pickler, is essential for driving improvements in clinical practice and patient outcomes.

  1. How can nurses verify nasogastric tube placement?

Nurses can verify nasogastric tube placement through evidence-based procedures like the aspirate pH test and following revised standard care procedures.

  1. Who are some influential figures in nursing science?

Professor Ying-Ju Chang and Professor Rita Pickler are influential figures in nursing science, contributing to evidence-based quality improvement projects and the advancement of nursing practice.